Just watched a short biography on Brigitte Bardot on Foxtel. And it made me fall in love with her all over again. Hearing her give interviews with American journalists asking her questions like a toddler, to have her answer back with retorts so demasculating, it's a wonder she didn't get along with Germaine Greer more. She imbodied sex, style, parissian flair, chic 70s France and all that came with it. She put St Tropez on the map after strolling the street of her home town and being followed by photographers wherever she went. She said in an interview that she only wanted to do one film every two years, as it was so much work. She took up from where Marilyn Monroe left off, after her death in 1972, and had a rollercoaster ride to success. Her early years of fame were tainted by two suicide attempts, but she, alone, regained the strength and came back in full force as the amazing woman who is still alive today. The woman who made a golden mane of hair, thick black eye make-up and gap front teeth, incredible.