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lindsay lohan is just losing her mind. the drugs,alchol, wild parties and the paparazzi hounding her its just becoming to late to move her life around if she doesnt change it could kill her. |
Friday, December 31, 2010
a celebrity that needs to pull it together for 2011
Lindsay Lohan
Florence Welch In Elie Saab

I thought I was through with blogging for 2010 but when I saw Florence Welch in this gorgeous Elie Saab gold beaded jumper, I just couldn't help myself!
The singer performed at the grand opening of the Marquee Nightclub at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas looking sensational. I adore the draping, velour belt and the bat wings bodice.
I was hoping someone would rock this on the stage or red carpet and she answer my prayers!
Everyone have a bless and fashionable New Year and thank you guys for your support!
goals for 2011
well...i never really do resolutions, but set goals for the year.
so here are my 2011 goals.
1. money management - work the budget and stick to it
3. vacation for a week at the a cottage
4. try 3 new recipes a month
5. go cross country skiing
7. have a mother daughter day
8. have a 'make soups day'
9. put up photos in the apartment
12. make 5 treats for 5 people....just because
13. don't buy what you can't afford
15. take more baths
so those are my 2011 goals.
i started making the list awhile ago and already accomplished a couple things
~have a winter photo shoot
~get a new camera lens - christmas pressie!
~purge clothes
here's to a safe, healthy and happy 2011 for everyone!!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Find The Perfect New years Outfit for your style: SHOES
When you wear shoes they either harmonize with your outfit or make your outfit POP.
Well you cant wear pink sparkly ballet flats with a all black emo outfit! You cant wear black punk sneakers boots with a pink puffy and sparkly dress it just isn't harmonizing, the two styles are just fighting a dirty fight. For new years you dont wanna look like you just through something on its gonna be the beginning of a new year and your new years resolution is to look fashion forward.
If your style is edgy and punk you should wear something
like this:
Well you cant wear pink sparkly ballet flats with a all black emo outfit! You cant wear black punk sneakers boots with a pink puffy and sparkly dress it just isn't harmonizing, the two styles are just fighting a dirty fight. For new years you dont wanna look like you just through something on its gonna be the beginning of a new year and your new years resolution is to look fashion forward.
If your style is edgy and punk you should wear something
like this:
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These ballet flats are perfect if you have a punk chic style. the studs and the shiny black pattern are great for punk chics ad adds a very brief touch of girlyness. |
If you have a girly style you should wear something
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These heels are very girly with a glittery touch, but their not platinum barbie girly. ( who am i kidding barbie would have millions of pairs of these stylish shoes) |
if you have a funky style these are the perfect
type of shoes for you:
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These shoes are perfect for your funky personality. these shoes could be the definition of FUNKY. |
Remembering A Genius: Lee Alexander McQueen

I still remembered the day February 11, 2010 like it was yesterday. One of my fabulous clients announced the dreadful news that Lee Alexander McQueen committed suicide only days shortly after his mother Joyce passed in London.
She wore his black wool ruffled coat to give homage to the designer that she got from the store which looked stunning on her. The whole day we view his amazing fashion shows on the internet.
He was known for his exquisite theatrical couture ensembles with divas such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Naomi Campbell, Salma Hayek and even our very own First Lady Michelle Obama wearing his artistic garments on the red carpet.
The fashion industry truly lost a genius this year. We were bless to witness his creativity and his impeccable craftsmanship.
Cute Bangs Hairstyles for Girls
Cute Bangs Hairstyles for Girls
2011 Long Hairstyles Trends for women
if you love Long Hairstyles then here are hottest collection of Long Hairstyles Trends 2011,Long Hairstyles is Very Beautiful Looking Hairstyles for Women,Celebreties also wear Long Hairstyles like that kim kardashian,Megan Fox etc.Take Inspiration Below Pictures and wear latest trends in Long Hairstyles

2011 Long Hairstyles Trends for women
if you love Long Hairstyles then here are hottest collection of Long Hairstyles Trends 2011,Long Hairstyles is Very Beautiful Looking Hairstyles for Women,Celebreties also wear Long Hairstyles like that kim kardashian,Megan Fox etc.Take Inspiration Below Pictures and wear latest trends in Long Hairstyles

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
“Jadi ke JUICE IN PARADISE gak ni?”, tanya nia kepadaku setelah kita jadi suprootter dalam acara futsal antar kelas di SMA kami. “ho.oh..woke ayo berangkat”,jawabku. Motor mio Nia melaju kencang diterpa hujan rintik-rintik dan angin semilir-semilir. “Tiinnn…tinn”, hampir saja motor mio Nia nabrak tukang becak, untung aja jurus tari Nia dikeluarkan, kalo sampe nabrak pasti berabe deh. “Syuut”rem ala Rossi bin Rossa pun digunakan Nia, wah kalo dibandingin sama Rosi,jauh deh, remnya Nia tu sangat hebat bin antic, hhaa.
“Kamu pesen apa?sekalian tak pesenin?”,tanyaku. “apa ya?jus mangga ae ya Vha”. “okok deh! Bukk jus mangga sama jus jambu”,kataku sambil mencari tempat duduk. “Wiih ada Yulia Pancy ni, bayarin ya?”kataku pada salah satu teman sekelasku (namanya Yoli tapi panggilannya Yulia Pancy) yang sedang lahap makan itu.“Walah anda salah orang, lha wong saya saja habis makan ini langsung menuju dapur lho.” “maksudnya?”tanyaku bebarengan sama Nia. “Loh kan saya makannya ngutang,jadi habis makan cuci piring di ruangan VIP, jadi sepertinya anda salah orang kalo suruh nraktir saya.”jawabnya cengingas cengingis. “Halah alasan tok,,padune gak mau nraktir to?”jawab Nia. “Betul betul betul”sahutku.
“Nia, kamu gak laper? Aku habis lihat Yulia Pancy makan, jadi pengen makan nih, makan yukk!” tawarku. “Hmm gmn ya Vha,,aku beli gorengan aja Vha, habis sudah kenyang ni perut”sahutnya. “Okok deh, aku pesen makan dulu ya,,Bukk nasi penyet 1 aja!”.
Sudah 15 menit lebih 21 detik kami menunggu hidangan yang tak ujung tiba, wah jangankan hidangan, minuman Jus Mangganya Nia aja belum di anterin, waduh bener2, gak tau orang udah kelaparan apa?aduh ni perut udah gak bisa di ajak kompromi lagi. Kuminum jus jambuku untuk menghilangkan penat, sruput sruput…amboi segarnya. “Buuk nasi penyet sama Jus Mangganya SUDAH?”seruku. “Oh iya mbak sebentar ya,saya buatkan dulu”jawab ibu2 itu. “wadooooh nunggu sampe keriting dari tadi ternyata belom di bikinin, memang ibuknya agak pelupa,yah maklum aja kan warung JUICE IN PARADISE ini emang enak binti murah, jadi pelanggan udah kayak pasar aja.
“Ini mbak pesenannya”.”Oh iya terimakasih buukk”. Sudah kelaparan melihat ayam penyet yang begitu menggoda dan harum langsung aja aku berdoa dan menyantap makanannya, sangat nikmat ditambah jus jambu kesukaanku. “Vha udah selesai belum?”Tanya Nia. “Oke udah ni, eh tadi aku belum bayar, kamu juga belum kan?ayokk sekalian”kataku.”Oh iya oke aku juga belum bayar kok”.
“Tadi gorengan sama jus mangga, jadi berapa bukk?”, samar-samar kudengar suara Nia karena aku masih mencari sesuatu di tasku, jadi kupersilakan Nia untuk membayar dulu. “Mampus, loh!! Dompetku mana?kok gak ada?”,pikirku sambil merogoh-rogoh uang di sakuku, Alhamdulillah ada 5ribu,aduh tapi masih kurang. “Nia, aku pinjem uang seribu ya?dompetku hilang”,kataku lirih pada Nia. “Apa?kok bisa Vha?”.”Ntar aja aku certain, pinjem dulu ya?”. “oh iya iya, ini “.
Bress!!!Namanya nasib, dompetku hilang, hujan deras tak kunjung reda.Ahhh sial banget hari ini! “Gimana Vha, udah dicari lagi belom?”, tanya Nia. “Gak ada Ni, udah aku cari sampek tasku berubah warna jadi burem nih, tapi tetep gak ada”. “trus gmn dong?tadi kamu taruh mana?”. “oh iya, aku inget! Tadi waktu kumpul sastra di depan BK sebelum kita jadi supporter futsal tu aku taruh di atas tasku di lantai, habis itu aku sibuk ngerjain tugas sastra”.”la trus kamu lupa belum masukin gitu? Soalnya kan tadi aku ijin ada intra tari,jadi aku kumpul sastra cuma bentar, gak tau menahu tentang itu”kata Nia. “Iya tadi tu aku taruh di atas tas tapi kok pas mau pulang gak ada ya, tadi juga pas aku habis dari kamar mandi, tasku udah berpindah tempat”, jawabku sambil terisak, tak mampu lagi ku menahan air mata. “Ya ampun, aduh jangan nangis dong Vha, emang isinya apa aja?”, tanya Nia. Pertanyaan Nia semakin membuat tubuhku melunglai, aku tak sanggup lagi menahan rasa, aku menangis sesedu-sedunya, di tempat umum lagi, ahh dasar tak punya malu!. “Ada uang…..”.”Berapa uangnya Vha?”.”75ribu,tapi….”. “Oh gak papa kalo gitu Vha diikhlasin aja ya?”, belum selesai aku bicara, Nia udah menjawab. “Bukan itu, masalahnya ada SIM ma STNK ku Nia, bisa-bisa aku disate panggang ma ortu kalo sampe ntu STNK hilang”, jawabku terisak. “Apa?jadi juga ada SIm dan STNKnya?waduh gawat dong ini Vha, coba kamu inget-inget lagi deh tadi kamu taruh mana aja”, kata Nia.
“Aku inget banget, aku keluarin dompet cuman sewaktu kita kumpul sastra soalnya aku tadi mau bayar buku tapi gak ada petugasnya. Trus aku taruh di atas tas, tapi waktu aku ngedit foto untuk sastra, tasku udah ada disampingku,aku gak kepikiran sama sekali tentang dompet, aduh Nia, aku bodoh banget, tadi tu Bu. Risna udah ngingetin anggota sastra tentang dompet, ah bodoh bodoh, aku emang bodoh!”teriakku tak karuan. “Emang tadi Bu Risna bilang gimana Vha?”. Bu Risna bilang “Lo ini dompet siapa?nanti hilang lo”. Trus aku jawab “Dompet saya Bu, iya bu makasih”. “Kenapa tadi gak segera aku masukin ya?padahal sewaktu pulang kumpul sastra tu aku sempet balik lagi ke tempat itu untuk cari flash diskQ tapi aku kok tadi gak lihat apa-apa ya, trus ternyata FDku ada di jaket makanya aku langsung ke GOR buat dukung futsal kelasku, aku bener-bener lupa soal dompet”, kataku. “Ayo Nia mumpung hujan agak reda, kamu mau kan aku ajak balik kesekolah?please ya!”.
Dalam kecepatan motor mio Nia yang melintasi jalan yang licin, aku tak bisa merasakan apa-apa lagi, pikiranku kosong menerawang saat aku kumpul sastra tadi, aku memikirkan siapa saja orang yang ada disana, aku takut sekali, dadaku terasa sangat sesak. “Syutt…”, motor mio Nia hampir menabrak tempat parker. Tak piker panjang lagi, aku langsung turun dan berlari sekuat tenaga menuju lantai atas, karena ruang BK ada di lantai 2, saat akan mendekati tempat kejadian, aku berdoa kepada Allah agar diberi hikmah dan perlindungan. Kulihat masih banyak kertas sastra yang berserakan, mungkin tadi ada yang lupa membawanya. “Astagfirulloh, dompet itu sudah lenyap, dompet itu tak ada”, semua serasa seperti mimpi, siapa yang mengambil dompetku?apakah untuk diamankan atau untuk dicuri?Beribu pertanyaan telah ku utarakan tapi tak ada ku menemukan jawaban itu. Rasa sedih, marah, kecewa, menyesal, dll bercampur aduk menjadi satu. Siapa yang membawa dompetku?siapa yang membawanya? Hanya itu yang terus terngiang-ngiang di anganku.
===== BERSAMBUNG ====
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Mileys troublesome days are getting worse
As you know Miley has a great life. She has her own TV show, she has released great albums, she was casted in the last song and got to name her character (Ronnie) and the Cyrus clan is tightly knitted together . Well her life has taken its toll of heartbreak and stress, sorry Miley but the happy days are very far away. First, her boyfriend (Liam Hensworth) dumped her for being to crazy and wild and then was caught by the paparazzi with a blonde model and a week later with a different blonde. Then she was caught by the paparazzi smoking drugs and to make matters worse her parents have filed for a divorce and Miley feels like its the end of the world because really its the end of her pleasant, happy world, but Miley is determined to keep her spirits and check and not pick sides with her parents brawl. she wants to show her younger sibling to have a equally strong relationship with their parents. Miley has stayed strong by changing her style and having fun and my advice to you is that if you're in a rough spot in your life stay positive, negativity and low spirits won't get you anywhere.
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